Overcoming The Lion Shame
3 Part Audio Set (MP3s)
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Pastor Earma ministers to women about the power of shame and more importantly the greater power of our Lord Jesus Christ and His Blood.
Audio 1: Overcoming The Lion Called Shame is back by popular demand. Pastor Earma follows the biblical trail of some of the shameful moments of Old Testament, New Testament and a couple of modern day spectacles including her own shameful moment. She wraps the session up with a Word Of Knowledge from the Holy Spirit for several people and a teaching about praying the Blood Of Jesus against shame…
Audio 2: She continues the session with a few more minutes teaching about dismantling and removing the sting of shame with prayers using the blood of Jesus and a story about a Prayer Closet Prophetess called out with revealing insight about a young woman committing adultery and a command of the Lord to warn her about consequences of her folly and a word of knowledge for some young women right there too…
Audio 3: She wraps up the sessions with a few more minutes teaching her listeners how to pray the prayer of faith using the blood of Jesus to banish Shame forever…
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