WOW! Women Of Destiny Free Chapter 'A Woman's Pursuit Of God's Presence'

Overcoming The Lion Shame


3 Part Audio Set (MP3s)

Audios Unavailable – Click Here for Transcript Only

Pastor Earma ministers to women about the power of shame and more importantly the greater power of our Lord Jesus Christ and His Blood.

Overcoming The Lion Called Shame is back by popular demand. Pastor Earma follows the biblical trail of some of the shameful moments of Old Testament, New Testament and a couple of modern day spectacles including her own shameful moment. She wraps the session up with a Word Of Knowledge from the Holy Spirit for several people and a teaching about praying the Blood Of Jesus against shame…



Overcoming The Lion Shame

3 Part Audio Set (MP3s)

Audios Unavailable – Click Here for Transcript Only

Pastor Earma ministers to women about the power of shame and more importantly the greater power of our Lord Jesus Christ and His Blood.

Audio 1: Overcoming The Lion Called Shame is back by popular demand. Pastor Earma follows the biblical trail of some of the shameful moments of Old Testament, New Testament and a couple of modern day spectacles including her own shameful moment. She wraps the session up with a Word Of Knowledge from the Holy Spirit for several people and a teaching about praying the Blood Of Jesus against shame…

Audio 2: She continues the session with a few more minutes teaching about dismantling and removing the sting of shame with prayers using the blood of Jesus and a story about a Prayer Closet Prophetess called out with revealing insight about a young woman committing adultery and a command of the Lord to warn her about consequences of her folly and a word of knowledge for some young women right there too…

Audio 3: She wraps up the sessions with a few more minutes teaching her listeners how to pray the prayer of faith using the blood of Jesus to banish Shame forever…


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