Bible study leaders and attendees are invited to meet eight Women’s Bible Study book authors at the 9th Annual Online Bible Study Expo, Thursday, March 17, 2016.

Bible Study Expo

Women’s Bible Study Expo

Eight Women’s Bible study book authors, ten bloggers and 12 Facebook party hostesses join forces to support and encourage Bible study enthusiasts around the world at the online Bible Study Expo, Thursday, March 17, 2016.

According to Publisher’s Weekly, 88% of general book shoppers consider themselves Christian and 42% have bought a Bible or other religious book in the past year. Women’s Bible studies continue to be a popular forum for women to learn and grow spiritually, and new books are released each year to support these studies.

The 2016 Online Bible Study Expo provides a convenient, cost-free opportunity for Bible study enthusiasts to meet the authors and hear the stories behind the latest book releases. The two hour jam session features live author interviews, Facebook and Twitter parties, book give-aways, and more.

Expo hostess Marnie Swedberg says, “The Bible Study Expo is always a great event, and this year’s line-up is awesome. Our Facebook and Twitter party hostesses are ready to ensure that everyone has a great time.”

The Bible Study Expo is unique in that it’s 100% online, free to attend, and provides both listening and interactive options. Bible study enthusiasts and leaders usually find at least a handful of books to personally pursue and introduce to their groups for the coming Bible study season.

During the afternoon of March 17th, online expo attendees will enjoy Bible Study leadership training, hear interviews with authors from seven publishers, and have the opportunity to connect with other Bible study leaders for ideas.

The line-up of guest authors includes Logan Wolfram, author of Curious Faith: Rediscovering Hope in the God of Possibility (David C. Cook), Raechel Myers, author of Open Your Bible: God’s Word is for You and for Now (LifeWay Press), Barbara Roose, author of Beautiful Already: Reclaiming God’s Perspective on Beauty (Abingdon Press), Sherry Poundstone, author of Becoming a Woman of Character (Focus International), Kathy Willis, author of Grin with Grace (AMG Publishers), Jeanne Brooks, author of Washed Clean and Walking by Faith (WestBowPress), and Sherri Burgess, author of Bonner: A Journey to Understand (New Hope Publishers).

“The fact that you can attend this expo from the comfort of home, without investing even one penny for registration fees or travel expenses, makes it accessible to everyone,” says Swedberg, who founded the Expo in 2009.

Attendees may register for free book give-aways, which will occur during each 15 minute author interview segment. In addition, guests are encouraged to participate in live chats with the authors and other Bible study leaders via Facebook or Twitter.

Registration is now open and is free to the public. Visit today.