WOW! Women Show Transcript
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Shame is not specifically discussed in the WOW! Women of Worth book but its’ buddies and companions are, like rejection, bitterness, unforgiveness, low self-esteem and others. Click the graphic below to get your copy or order a bundle of books for your book club or women’s ministry group. Thanks for listening. Be sure to subscribe using the iTunes button on this page, so you don’t miss any shows. And if you like this episode of the WOW! Women’s Podcast, download it and share it with a woman you know might need it. -Earma
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WOW! Women’s Podcast Episode #1 TRANSCRIPT
Shame surely is no respecter of gender as we’ll find out in today’s podcast. I call ‘shame’ a stalker. You know as with any stalker, it sneaks around until what it feels is an opportune time
to pounce. The stalker shame seeks to block your God given destiny. In fact, you’ve been targeted all your life for shame. You have so great a destiny that our enemy, the devil, has intended that you never walk free, even that your children’s children would be hindered in this way. he want’s to keep it going from generation to generation. That’s why they call it a generational curse.
Well, you need to know your Father has a different plan. In fact, he has a good future, an expected end, a hope for you and children’s children. Through Christ he has a life of fame and goodwill planned for you. We’ll talk more about that later. But you can know His thoughts are for your good and not for evil. Years ago, Father God spoke the words to me, “I’ve restored your name. The devil tried to give you the name ‘Shame’ but I’ve restored your name, the one I gave you from the beginning. I’ve restored your name, ‘Holy.” I cried and thanked him. Later, I realized that word was as much for you as it was me. For some of you, today is the day Father God is going to restore your name too holy.
There’s a life beyond shame and those devilish companions like defamation, painful accusations, lies, half-truths, rejection and others. In book one WOW! Women of Worth, I start out talking about a woman that knows a little about shame, Monica Lewinsky says much of her shameful journey was attributed to low-self-esteem…
Adam and Eve got put out of the garden. I think they may have known about shame. One of their sons was the first murderer. It was to the shame of Abraham & Sarah that ran ahead of God and attempted to bring the promises to past. I think it was Sarah’s idea that Abraham go sleep one of their slaves. Rahab pushed past her shameful past prostitution in faith and was honored in Jesus genealogy.
Shame can come through the blood line but it usually will seek to capitalize on some evil event like slander, gossip, abuse, divorce, bankruptcy, losing a house or a car, a close family member on drugs. Remember, it was King David who wrote, “If I were a bird, I would fly away.” Well we could name several things he might have been referring to. From my understanding he had several shameful moments in his past. His boss’s accusations and his murderous intentions all was the Accuser of the Brethren’s work, his own sins with Bathsheba was shameful, his son’s betrayal and a large portion of his kingdom, soldiers and all got carried away with him. Take your pick, he could have been speaking of any one of those.
You know running away is not the answer. Escape is not the answer. In fact, you’re a runner. Anytime, you get close to being what you perceive is rejection, you run. And for someone else, you escape into drugs. Neither of those is the answer. Oh yeah, I didn’t forget you, you run to men. Yep, I had to go there.
Then let’s bring on down to the Apostle Peter and his shameful denial of Jesus when he needed him the most. Apostle Peter ran when his denial brought shame. The only thing about that is while Peter was running he looked behind him and the other disciples running right behind him. Remember before they met with Jesus the last time. Peter decided to go fishing. Guess who ended up right there with him. He was indeed a leader. Which is why Jesus said after you’ve gotten past this shame, turn and help your brothers
Then there’s the Apostle Paul who was Saul. He had some shameful moments to overcome and receive forgiveness for. He said once, I am the chiefest of sinners…he was most famous for holding the coats of those who stoned the precious man Stephen and rounding up Christians and having them thrown into jail and executed. Yes, times he was not proud of.
But before I leave the halls of shame let me be transparent about one of my shameful moments. It was concerning my abusive past husband. Yes, the one I’ve told you about. No matter how hard I try when I tell my story of how I was abused and it took me years to overcome, he becomes the monster in the flesh UNTIL I mention that I was unfaithful to the marriage. Yeah, I had my own set of sins to deal with. At first, I still said it’s not my fault. I was abandoned. He moved 2000 miles away and wouldn’t take me with him. So, I ended up in an affair…
One day even before I committed my life back to God. I just stopped my complaining and said to myself I have to start taking responsibility for my own life. I’m better than this. I won’t see another man or be in another relationship where I have to sneak around. I was still bitter but I stopped that mess and if you’re there, you should too. You’re a daughter of our Father God, Creator of the Universe, you’re better than that.
I need to say something important. I believe that was the Holy Spirit at work in my heart. I didn’t know how close I was to the kingdom of God. But I was. I say close because I was still backslidden, a prodigal daughter away from God. I remember taking special delight in seeing the scared look on a man’s face that had been flirting with me even though he was a married man. If I found out he was married I despised him. I would wait until he did it again then say something like, “What did you say your wife’s name was? I think I know her. I can’t wait to tell her how you behave..” He would get that scared look and never say anything else to me ever, at least the ones who cared!
So, eventually the abusive husband found out about that relationship. Then the physical abuse was really on. I’m not quite sure about it but our society still has that thing where if the man commits adultery, it’s bad but kinda not surprising. But if the woman commits adultery it’s just awful or worse. I get that feeling when they threw the adulterous woman at Jesus feet to see what he would do.
So, maybe all this is foreign to you but for you it was shameful that you got pregnant as a teenager or you were older and got pregnant but you had an abortion. And no, I’m not going to list yours some things are so shameful that the Bible says it’s best not to even mention what the disobedient do in secret. Ephesians 5:12 In fact, now is a good time to share with you to do about our enemy shame. I have more to say but right here, right now. I want you to say with me and mean it from your heart. You have to say it. You can’t just think it, or wish it or let everybody else say it and you mentally assent to it. You have to say it with your own mouth, your will and your heart, o.k.
You must apply the Blood of Jesus. According to where you’re listening to this. I realize some of you may have your head phones on and listening with people nearby. So you wait til you get to a quiet place. But if you’re not, let’s say you’re listening with a group and you’re all on the same page, Let’s do this. Say out loud. “Father, forgive me of my sins. I forgive those who have sinned against me. I apply the Blood of Jesus to my mind and heart. Father, thank you for the Blood that cleanses my mind, that cleanses my heart and takes away the pain.”
It’s not magic. But this is a supernatural act. The blood of Jesus has the supernatural power to heal your emotions. You’re going to see a change. For some of you, it may be instant and for some it’ll be gradual. For you, I encourage you to keep saying it along with forgiving yourself and anyone else that hurt you concerning the matter. We can do this because Jesus paid the horrible price on the cross. He died was buried and rose again on the third day. He was our propitiation. Because of that transaction of heaven, we can apply the Blood of Jesus and receive liberty and healing.
And in this case, the power to forgive sin and wipe away the sting and pain of shame.
Jesus is also our model, the word of God say he endured the shame of the cross for the joy set before him. In fact, let’s read that Hebrews 12:1,2 Living Bible Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith. Because of the joy awaiting him, he endured the cross, disregarding its shame. Now he is seated in the place of honor beside God’s throne.
You know, I don’t take this lightly. And I don’t think you should either. Some of you have been like I was, stuck for years. You’ve been having shame stalk you for years, going from one shameful moment to the next. Then when the next one happened the devil had something new to torment your thoughts with.
So, how does shame cause such havoc. For most of us it goes something like this: Pride becomes a guard on duty as we try to protect ourselves from this (whatever this may be) EVER happening again. We put up barriers. We allow no one close enough to…We refuse to trust… We run off before we gain relationship… We act aloof even when we care, we act like we don’t care…
Let’s pause again here and acknowledge the Blood of Jesus. You have to say it to experience it, “Father, thank you for the Blood that cleanses my mind and heart and takes away the pain.”
For me, most times all I had to do was close my eyes and I could re-live the shameful and very painful moment play by play in my mind. I could re-imagine it like it was yesterday. That’s the exact words, my mother in love, Varn’s mother said about the tragic event, when her drunken husband stabbed her and she almost died. In tears, she said, “you expect me to forget and forgive that…” You know it was for her, shame. But it was for him shame too.
They all three have since passed away, Varn, his mom and dad. But while today is still called today, there’s an opportunity for you and me. We can choose life or death. Whether you know it or not, death and life are in the power of the tongue. You might be asking by now, what does that have to do with what we’ve been discussing. Everything. You have what you say. So you have to say it. You have to say like Jesus did on the cross. And like Deacon Stephen did with his last words before the religious leaders stoned him to death, “Father, I forgive them, I release them; don’t hold it
against them.”
For some of you I’m snatching you out of the arms of the enemy. For other’s I’m teaching you to overcome ‘shame’ and then turn and help others. For many of you, it’s been hindering your destiny and you didn’t know. In this case, like me, what you didn’t know hurt you. We were perishing for lack of knowledge. I would experience painful shame moments or seasons in life. It was bad enough to go through it then the devil would come back and try to make me relive it in my mind. He never wanted me to break free nor does he want you to be free. You know why? Because he knew better than I did that I would do just what I’m doing now, helping others be free from shame.
You see, I know I’m not the only one it’s been an assignment against your life or someone you know to defame and bring shame. Father destined us to be famous. I know, I know there are different measures of fame. Not everyone of us have the fame of Heather Lindsey or Kirk Franklin. But we all have our measure to be responsible for. It was Jesus that said, “Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a basket. Instead, they set it on a lamp stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. 16In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:16,17
Today is ‘changing your name day.’ The devil tried to make your name ‘shame’ but God says it’s ‘holy’ You are holy as he is holy.
There’s always a choice. It’s an unalienable right from God. He’s given us the power of choice. We can choose life or death. Choose life for you and your children and their children. Our Father God wants to keep the blessing going from generation to generation. The blessing overrides the curse of shame. We choose life, right here, right now.
Then, once again, and however many times you need to. And every time you need to use the Blood of Jesus. The Blood of Jesus is the anti-dote. And not just knowing about the Blood but Applying the Blood of Jesus. Because we know as long as the devil is around roaring like a lion he may try his trick again. But this time, you know what to do and say. Yes, let’s SAY it again before I close, “Father God, thank you for the Blood of Jesus. I apply the Blood of Jesus over my mind, my body and my soul. Cleanse my mind and heart from shame. Take away the pain in Jesus name.”
I promised to tell you how to get a copy of the WOW! Women of Worth book where I discuss topics like a woman’s worth, a woman’s mission, a woman’s name and much more. Go to the website Well this has been Earma. Until next time. Talk to you later. Thanks for listening! This had been the WOW! Women’s Podcast and Host Earma Brown.
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