WOW! Women Book Anthology
Earma Brown presents
Women Encouraging Women To Victory And Destiny
100 Stories of Women’s Passion, Purpose & Power In God
The WOW! Women Book Anthology presents the stories of 100 or more WOW! Women who with God’s help overcame a struggle or evil event in their life. The book is dedicated to empower and inspire women of all ages and all nations to rise above any and all things that threaten to steal their destiny. Earma aka America’s Book Success Coach believes every one has a story and should write it, especially God’s women!
The stories from these women will transform the way women feel about sharing their story, the fear of more rejection in being transparent about their tests, victories and ultimately their testimony. In essence each woman that steps forward to tell her story in this anthology collection will align with the mission and vision of WOW! Women, after achieving victory will turn and encourage other women saying, “This is how I overcame and how you can too. Now, go to your destiny.”
About The Creator
The Creator, Earma Brown, America’s Book Success Coach, 12 book Christian Authorpreneur, Indie Publisher and founder of WOW! Women Global is well versed in encouraging women to victory, as evident by her WOW! Women trilogy of books, “WOW! Women of Worth, Destiny and Legacy.” Recently, she told her own story of how the WOW! message was birthed. Revealing over twenty years ago, self-named Mrs. Mouse she was unexpectedly called upon to teach a rowdy class of maximum security women inmates in Dallas, Texas. She cried out to God on what to say to them that would make any difference.
He told her to tell them their WOW! Tell them they are My Women of Worth. She successfully taught the Bible study that day. She later taught the WOW! Women class at her local church for a season, then the message morphed into a book, then three books, a ministry and a movement…the rest is history. You can hear her full story in the WOW! Women of Worth online course or invite her to speak at your next women’s event.
Her Mission
Even to this day, she continues to tell women all over the world they are WOW! Women of God. Her mission has become to inspire and encourage women to victory and destiny. Now, she offers the opportunity to be a part of the wonderful journey of the WOW! Women Anthology book and receive free gifts and a chance at publishing your own book under Pink Tree Publishing an imprint of Butterfly Press.
Why WOW! Women Book & Why Now
- Have you experienced trouble in your life? Life handed me lemons more than once. I made lemonade and served it to the world. Join my lemonade stand. The world needs your lemonade too.
- Do you have a story burning to be told? That’s God calling you to share. Don’t ignore it any longer. Only passionate women need apply.
- Have you ALREADY written a book that tells your story of triumph yet you want to gather with other indie authors and aspiring authors? (You may include byline of 1 book and 1 website reference)
- Do you want to share your story in a group of other triumphant Christian women from all walks of life? (You may include byline of 1 book and 1 website reference)
- Do you want to be a part of a wonderful journey that will inspire other women to share their triumphs? Now is the time. The WOW! Women book anthology is the book. Let’s do this.
- Have you been thinking about sharing your story in a book but have felt overwhelmed? Consider leveraging the support of other like-minded women all sharing their testimonies of God’s overcoming power.
- Do you want to share your story in this lifetime, 2019? Join us today! Now is better than later.
Release Date March 8, 2020
If you answered YES to any of the questions above you should consider coming on the journey with us as a part of the WOW! Women book anthology. This book will not be your normal anthology. 100 women will share their journey of overcoming fears,disease, divorce, losing weight, anxiety, low self-esteem addiction, all the while cementing their victory by the blood of Lamb and the word of their testimony. Take the leap and share your story inside Earma’s upcoming WOW! Women book anthology! Please consider joining us and becoming a part of the WOW! Women vision of ‘women encouraging women to victory and destiny!
Your investment must be submitted after completion of questionnaire. If unable to submit, please contact Earma at, otherwise, your submission will be deleted. Please indicate that you agree below. *
Contributor 1 $97 Click Here More Details | Contributor 2 $197 Click Here More Details | Co-Author $297 Click Here More Details
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