Join the WOW! Women Book Club
For several weeks Pastor Earma and the WOW Women Book Club, Blog & WOW! Women Global Facebook community read through book 2 WOW! Women of Destiny.
We invite you to join the WOW! Women Book Club as an individual or as a small group or Bible study class.
“Father God has put in each of us as a seed, the desire for a bright future,” explains Earma. “I have designed the books to hopefully position the reader to receive God’s plans to satisfy that longing,” Start your journey today using the seven strategies in everything you do and experience the joy of becoming an extraordinary woman using ordinary tools.
Currently, inside the WOW! Women Book Club membership, you will receive:
- 1 WOW! Women Of Destiny Note Sheet
- 7 Women OF Destiny Audios MP3 format
- 1 WOW! Women Of Destiny Workbook (PDF Printable)
- WOW! Women Book Club eMail List (first to know: updates, special offers, contests, just because gifts…)
The WOW! Women online event and fundraiser has ended. We invite you to join the Book Club and access the complimentary gifts. Sign-Up Now! Be sure to put your mailing in the box on payment screen, so you can receive your book via postal mail. Inside your account when you sign up there will a complimentary ebook version of WOW! Women Of Destiny that you can download.
Earma, I wanted you to know how much I have been enjoying reading your WOW! book. It literally has been like God told you to write it just for me. I can now identify how much I have dealt with rejection in my life. Just the other day, I found myself recognizing the spirit of rejection. I immediately thought of you and your book. I responded with a right response: I repented and forgave the person. Thank you for writing this book… –Charlette Tasby
Again, The WOW! Women book club is officially open. Each person or group that joins, we pray for you and link arms with you by the Spirit of God as you become the prayer watchmen or watchwomen He has called you to be! Enjoy the journey!
Get Started Today
Earma, You outdid yourself. WOW is a must read for ALL women. I read it and it was a fantastic book. I can’t wait for the next one. You keep empowering women. I can’t say enough good things about WOW…I truly loved it.” Vickye Allison Frazier