Day 3
Running The Race Well!
[content_box_red width=”75%”]WOW Words of Today: Teach us to number our days and recognize how few they are; help us to spend them as we should. –Psalms 91:12.[/content_box_red]
Five Stumbling Blocks To Avoid In The Race
I discovered that in any contest for a prize there will be obstacles—things that will rise up to hinder or resist you in your contest. Therefore, it’s no surprise it’s the same with life in general. Interruptions, distractions, obstacles may seek to stop us from receiving our prize (happy life, good and expected ending, heavenly home) But God has not left us to fight alone. What are some of the things that we should lay aside that may hinder us in our race of life?
- Half-heartedness. Do you not know that those who run in a race all runs but one receives the prize? Therefore, run in such a way that you may obtain it.
- Complacency. Que se ra, se ra…You know whatever will be, will be. Don’t just lean back and accept whatever comes to you. Take life by the wheel and go after what you want.
- Prayerlessness. You have not because you ask not. Jesus reminded us in the Gospels that, “Man ought to always pray and not give up.”
- Impatience. Quickly giving up. The Ecclesiastes writer supports this principle by saying the race is not given to the swift nor the skilled but the who perseveres.
- Sin. Sin will stop us in our tracks, if we allow it. Our Lord Jesus has paid a great price for the opportunity we have to repent and make it right. Before His death, burial and resurrection we had a faulty access to the Father. Now, we can go boldly to His throne through Jesus and ask for forgiveness and receive it. So, don’t let sin block your blessed life and your happy ending. Repent, receive and rejoice in the race!
- You see God has lovingly arranged and designed your future. Has it emerged like a shining sun in your heart, yet? If not already, I pray it will soon. He, our Father, has arranged before hand that we each would have our chance to succeed in the race of life. So take the advice offered from your cloud of witnesses, run your race well! Remember, we have a choice and a responsibility to lay aside every weight and the sin that so easily ensnares us.
21 Day DESTINY Challenge Exercise
(Memorize Memory Scripture, Pray and Say it aloud throughout the day.)
- Memory Scripture: Call unto me and I will show you great and mighty things… Jeremiah 33:3
- Confession: I seek first the kingdom of God and all other things are added unto me.