New at WOWONTHEWEB.COM: WOW! Women Trilogy paperback
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Hey WOW Woman or Gentleman!
Thank you for your interest in the WOW! Women trilogy of books. I’m so excited that they are all three, officially here! And yes it has become so much more than the WOW! books. Now, I’m happy to introduce you to WOW! Women Global Facebook Community where you will find all the fun, discussion around the topic of the books and world-class resources developed for WOW! Women around the world. Also, WOW! Women Ministries is taking off for those who want to help me reach, expand and teach the WOW! Women movement to others. Our next book project is an anthology of WOW and the Giggle Missions and few other things I’ll tell you about a bit later.
For now, I want you to know more about me, I am a victorious ex-victim of spousal abuse, who stands upon the God-given platform of my past proclaiming the gospel of God’s grace to women of any background with any struggle. I developed the WOW! Women books from a Bible study (WOW! Women of Worth) I originally wrote for battered women re-building their self image and life in God. It all started with Father God giving me the confidence to teach Bible study to a rowdy bunch of maximum security inmates. He said to me, “Tell them they’re WOW! Women of Worth….” I taught this study for class sessions in the Dallas, Texas prison system and later in my local church. You can hear the short story version of it on the video at the top of this page. It’s really comical now but not so much then…
Back to the book ministry, I believe the principles God gave me to think right about myself and connect with my own destiny will apply to anyone desiring to live victoriously in Christ with strong identity and purpose. Therefore, part one of the book’s theme has become Women Encouraging Women to Victory and Destiny. The chapters have been designed to leave every reader with a sense of destiny that will help her fulfill her God-given purpose.
In addition, book one’s study uncovers a trail of biblical truths that affirm the answers to the four classic questions of life: ‘Where did I come from?’ ‘Who am I’ ‘Why am I here?’ and ‘Where am I going?’ From the answers of these four questions, twelve steps to destiny have been developed. These steps threaded throughout part one of the book includes a woman’s worth, image, name, mission, prayer, gift and destiny.
New Book Club now available (Join the FREE WOW! Women Global Facebook Group or read a free chapter and get the coupon for over 70% off) In book two, the biblical trail continues leading God’s woman to her predestination, pursuit of God’s presence, preparation, passion, purpose, perseverance, power to fulfill her destiny. I’m happy to say, the journey continues with the last book of the WOW Women book series ‘WOW Women of Legacy. The overall book series is designed to inspire women with a message of God-ordained hope and vision for a bright future. The books have inspired not only vision and hope for this bright future but the ability to walk with purpose and power in your destiny. And now the strength to live and leave a legacy for the generations to come.
Go to your destiny,
Earma, 12 Book Christian Author, Founder of WOW! Women Global
WOW Women Book Series |
About Author
Earma Brown, twelve book Christian author and founder of WOW! Women Global inspires women around the world to become women of destiny, purpose, and victory through speaking engagements, her books, Bible curriculum and studies. She is author of the trilogy of Wow! Women books: Women of Worth, Women of Destiny and Women of Legacy, the Armorbearer Training Series, Prayer Fulfilled Life book set and Writing A Book God’s Way book and course. She currently lives in Central Arkansas.
END OF About Information
Copyright (c) 2002 – 2022 – WOW! Women Global –
What To Do Next?
Here’s two things you can do right now to get started participating in the WOW! Women movement! Watch the latest WOW! Video
2. Now Available Order a copy of the WOW! Women Trilogy book.
3. Get a copy of one of the WOW! Women books or get all three in one book: I recommend starting with the first WOW! Women of Worth book. Then consider teaching it to your Bible Study class, book club or small group. If you are interested in all three be sure to get WOW! Women Trilogy version as one book. Visit Amazon by clicking the link below to each book respectively:
2. Join the free Facebook group
and invite your women’s ministry friends and leaders!
Earma & Team at WOW Women Global