Maybe you’re feeling listless and bored with your life? Or perhaps you’re planning for the big wedding day, a new baby or new job and you’re not feeling it? Either way, you may be like I was. I didn’t feel the passion and joy I should’ve felt for any occasion. Worst of all, I didn’t know why… Until, I did what I’m about to tell you to do. All of your life, your thoughts and feelings about yourself will be present with you. Those thoughts and feelings—your self-esteem—determine to a great extent the kind of life you’ll experience.
When you have healthy self-esteem, you have the capacity to be incredibly passionate about living. Learn now how to cultivate your own self-esteem.
Consider these suggestions to help yourself develop an abundance of self-esteem:
1. Apply yourself at work. Did you know that how you conduct yourself at work and feel about your job is closely tied to your self-esteem? When you put your all into your work and learn to love what you do, you’ll notice your self-esteem blooming.
2. Take a look at your Self Talk. Use your cognitions to build a positive view of yourself. Ensure you develop good feelings about yourself by being mindful of the messages contained in your self-talk. The more positive you are, the better you’ll feel. If you tend toward negativity, it’s wise to distract yourself with positive thoughts and activities. Recount successes and identify your strengths.
3. Do some housecleaning—physically and emotionally. A cluttered environment and emotional state is not conducive to positive self-esteem. Seek order and organization in your environment. Do some soul-searching about close relationships. If any of them are bringing you down, develop a plan to turn those relationships in a more positive direction.
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